338 gyms opened since March 2019 as UK hub for fitness talent

new gym openings

Despite pandemic restrictions and the instability in the market, the fitness sector has continued to grow. In total, there have been 338 new gym openings in the UK since the 1st of April 2019. For David Minton, founder of TLDB, this is a sure sign of the industry bouncing back.

Of the top 20 private health club operators in the UK, 8 have grown their company’s holdings. The UK’s largest operators are now PureGym and The Gym Group, the former of which, partnering with the Rio Ferdinand Foundation to offer employability skills.

Fitness operators have adapted to the last 18 months of instability largely by moving their programmes online. Many offered a range of help and guidance to keep people fit and healthy. Recent winner of UK fitness app of the year, Pure Gym, made its formerly members-only app free to all the public for example. As the focus on healthy eating has grown, operators have also added healthier options to their product lines.

Gyms and fitness operators are amongst the strongest innovators working toward the health of the nation. The latest guidelines show that for those suffering from mild cases of depression, exercise and mindfulness will be offered ahead of medication.

That’s why we at ISF feel strongly about post-16 learning. A vocational pathway into sport and physical activity has the power to create commercially-orientated resilient students. Students that are ready to continue their education with passion or go into a fast-growing and highly adaptable industry.

For more information about how you can be a part of that growth and development, contact the team today to start your journey.

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