Jono joins our ISF team!

ISF team

Our ISF team of tutors is growing. Jonathan ‘Jono’ Day is joining our ISF team as a new tutor to our post-16 students. Jono has spent the last few months building his skills as an instructor for adults.

Jono had previously worked with First Step PE, coaching children through a range of sports and activities. He’ll be stretching his teaching and coaching skills working with post-16s on our vocational pathway to coaching.

Our ISF programme offers a real vocational equivalent to A-Levels. Built by industry, it has a clear focus on work experience and classroom learning. We believe this combination of experiences is essential to creating a group of young people, who are primed and ready to be future coaching professionals.

He will be deeply involved in giving young people the best start in their coaching careers, with time spent in the classroom breaking our core concepts into manageable parts. On joining the team, Jono said:

“I’m excited to be joining the ISF team and taking on a new challenge. I look forward to meeting the students and helping them to achieve their goals.”

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